Sunday, December 1, 2013


Beauty Day at LODi (Ladies of Diversity)

Ladies of Diversity (LODi) is an organization that connects HIV positive women of color with HIV medical care. LODi is located in the Skid Row neighborhood of Downtown Los Angeles. As a pageant organization that support the education and awareness of AIDS/HIV amongst minority women, Ethnic World International organized a Beauty Day for the HIV positive women of LODi. The event was as beautiful as the women it served. Along with the All Dolled Up makeup team, we provided makeovers, massages and activities for all in attendance.   The objective of the event was to share the message of the diversity in beauty and community. 

As a Downtown  Los Angeles resident, I consider these women as part of my community. The work of Aiisha Ferguson Ethnic World pageants and LODi are a gem to these women and  I enjoyed seeing their smiling faces throughout the event.


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